Is.. Is this on? Yes, I think it's on.
Hello, welcome to a blog full of ramblings and prompts and basically just everything in between.
If you've reached this page, I assume that you know that I write for several RP accounts over on Twitter.
And maybe there's where I should start with the introductions: I write for fictional characters, pretending that I am them. I find that writing is a drug, an addiction, and a way of life.
How do I begin to describe myself? For one, I prefer to think of myself as an idea, rather than a person. Hence, Scribey. Not the most creative of names, I know, but I feel it encapsulates mostly what I do. There is no face, no name, no body behind this voice, and I prefer to keep it that way.
So, without further ado, I do hope you would enjoy perusing through these thoughts.
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